Imaging working party

The Imaging WP was created in 2014 in Belgrade (Serbia) with approval of the PReS council, with the aim to promote knowledge, research and education on Imaging in pediatric patients within the PRES frame. The 2nd IWP took place in Rome (Italy), during the 2015 EULAR/PRES congress with increasing number of attendants (from 9 to 20); at the Annual Meeting held in Genoa (Italy), 2016, the 22 participants came from 13 different countries (Croatia, Czech-Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland).

During the Imaging WP, an update on the activities in the previous year is given, with mention to publications/abstracts presented, ongoing projects and educational activities; further, is possible to present and discuss new projects for collaborative studies.

Number of members: 82 members


  • Chair: Daniel Windschall ( (elected in September 2022)
  • Secretary: Linda Rossi ( in September 2022)
  • Science and Research affairs: Silvia Magni-Manzoni
  • Clinical Affairs: Linda Rossi
  • Training and Education: Daniel Windschall
  • EMERGE representative: Aušra Šnipaitienė
  • AHP representative: Lea Höfel
  • Patient/Parent Representatives: Jeanne Famlin
  • Liaison for cooperation with CARRA: Johannes Roth


2020 Report:

>> Download report

2018 Report:

>> Download report



Imaging in focus – December 4th 2024, 5pm

Dear PReS members, 
Dear Imaging Working Party members,
We are pleased to announce our next webinar, "Imaging in Focus," for all members of the Imaging Working Party, as well as other interested members of our PReS community.
The aim of this session is to present and discuss interesting pediatric rheumatology cases, with a focus on Ultrasound, X-ray, and MRI. Each member of the Imaging Working Party is invited to submit intriguing, exciting, or unclear images (maximum of 6 slides per presentation) for discussion. Three to four presentations will be selected and prepared for each meeting. Everyone is encouraged to actively participate in the discussion of the images. The meeting and discussion will be facilitated by the core team of the Imaging Working Party.
Please send your images and presentations by Friday, November 29th, to the Secretary (Linda Rossi) and Chair (Daniel Windschall) of the Imaging Working Party at the following email addresses:

Kindly ensure that you obtain written consent from parents and patients for the presentation and discussion of their images during the meeting.


Best regards
Linda & Daniel
Thema: PReS Imaging Working Party
Zeit: 4.Dez. 2024 05:00 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rom, Stockholm, Wien
Beitreten Zoom Meeting
Meeting-ID: 876 7592 1624
Kenncode: 069755