Call for Proposals 2026 Congress

Call for proposal – PReS 2026 CONGRESS


The PReS Executive Committee invites PReS members to submit a proposal to host the 2026 congress.

Any member interested in hosting the 2026 congress should submit a formal proposal to the council no later than 31 October 2024.

Members who previously submitted a bid will be required to re-submit a new proposal.

Your proposal should contain the following documents:

  • Letter of expression of interest
  • Designation of the PReS member who will act as local host and a local organizing team to support local host with organizational aspects
  • Completed questionnaire (Click here to download the Excel document)
  • Any relevant information regarding the destination

MCI Suisse SA is the official professional congress organizer appointed by PReS to organize the 2026 congress and will be responsible for contracting the venue, pre-booking hotel rooms, managing the congress finances, managing registrations, sponsorship and exhibition logistics, speakers logistics, abstract handling, etc.


  • Proposal must be submitted or endorsed by an active PReS Member
  • Proposal made solely by destination’s convention bureau will be discarded
  • The total cost of the destination will be a key element in the decision-making process (venue rental, AV equipment, hotel accommodation, catering, etc.)
  • PReS is looking for accessible second tiers cities in Europe
  • Local benefits from the destination will be considered (discounts, subvention, transportation passes, etc.)
  • The venue should be proposed at an already negotiated rate
  • Applicant will have to make a proposal for space allocation to ensure unity of space


The congress should be held in the second half of September. The first week of October may also be considered under very specific circumstances.


Major religious holidays should be avoided.


The congress is generally held over 4 days, from Wednesday to Saturday.


The local host will be responsible for: co-developing the scientific programme with the PReS scientific chair appointed by the council, organizing the opening ceremony, raising funds from local and regional sponsors, proposing venues and entertainment for the speakers’ dinner and the PReS networking dinner.

The local host will also be requested to coordinate the organization of the Young Investigators Meeting prior to the main congress

The local host may seek help from the convention bureau or the proposed venue to build the proposal.

Any proposal received from convention bureaus, destination management companies or PCOs with no involvement of a scientific local host will be rejected. If not already a member of PReS, the local host will be required to subscribe to the PReS membership.

All proposals will be reviewed by MCI Suisse SA and the PReS Council.

Depending on the number of proposals received, the council may draw-up a shortlist of three hosts / destinations for further discussion.


  • May 2024: Launch of the call for proposals
  • 31 October 2024: deadline to submit proposal
  • Until Mid-October 2024: review of applications
  • End-October 2024: pitch from applicants (by local host) to PReS Council
  • November 2024: decision rendered by PReS


You may send your questions prior to the submission deadline to

Complete application should be sent to