The aims
To promote knowledge and international multidisciplinary collaboration among experts in the field of systemic autoinflammatory disorders (AID). The AID working party brings together clinicians, scientists and geneticists in order to improve understanding, care and outcome of patients with AID.
Number of members: 7 members
The composition:
- Chair: Antonella Insalaco (elected on 28th September 2023)
- Secretary: Nuray Aktay Ayaz (elected on 28th September 2023)
- Educational and Clinical affairs: Catherina Schütz
- Science and Research affairs: Petter Brodin
- EMERGE Representatives: Fatma Gül Dermikan and Maria Mastrolia
- AHP Representative: Deniz Bayraktar
The activities:
The WP arranges a meeting annually at the Paediatric Rheumatology Congress; interested members are invited by e-mail.
Ongoing projects on educational affairs
- JIR winter school on autoinflammatory diseases - Novel technologies for education (on-line tools)
- Clinical cases by email from the PReS
- Link to existing educational programs
Ongoing projects on clinical affairs
Guidelines and standard of treatment / recommendations for a rational use of biologic agents in AIDs
- Survey of existing recommendations in different countries
- Provide the existing recommendations on an European level.
- PReS endorsement of already existing recommendations (English) with translations to other European languages.
Ongoing projects on research affairs
- Activity score for AID (lead : Gaslini institute, Italy)
- Severity score and quality of life for AID (lead : CEREMAIA, France)
- Chair: Antonella Insalaco:
- Secretary: Nuray Aktay Ayaz:
>> Minutes from the AID Working Party Meeting 2023
>> Minutes from the Autoinflammatory group meeting 2020