MAS-SJIA Course - Call for abstract
Date: 25.01.2022
The organising committee of the course decided to launch a call for abstracts (max 500 words) among EMERGE members.
EXTENDED DEADLINE: 28th February 2022
The MAS/sJIA working party Core Team are very pleased to announce the 1st PReS Academy Course on MAS and sJIA will take place on 17th and 18th of March in Rome as a hybrid event. Speakers and limited number of participants will join the event live in Rome, while virtually access will be unlimited. See link for details: /education/mascourse.html.
The interaction with young investigators and EMERGE is a key part of the course. The course will include three interactive sessions with discussion of difficult clinical cases presented by young investigators from EMERGE. The organising committee of the course decided to launch a call for abstracts (max 500 words) among EMERGE members for the best 6 clinical cases focusing on:
1. Management of sJIA
2. Diagnosis of MAS/sHLH
3. Management and treatment of MAS/sHLH
Selected Young Investigators will be offered a free virtual registration to the Course. The deadline for abstract submission will be February 28th 2022, and presenters will be communicated by the beginning of March 2022. Please send your abstracts to