Welcome Message from Alberto Martini:
Dear Friends,
I cordially invite you to attend the 23rd PRES Congress that will be held in Genoa from the 28 September 2016 to 1 October 2016. The congress will be focused on autoinflammatory diseases and vasculitis, but will include many other topics such as arthritis, rare conditions, clinical trials, paediatric rheumatology in the world. It is a very dense programme with top level speakers; I hope you will enjoy it.
The congress will take place at the “Magazzini del Cotone”, a congress center located in the old Genoa harbor that has been transformed by the Italian architect Renzo Piano into a large, beautiful leisure area.
Genoa is a very nice city. Once a powerful maritime republic, it has an historical city center that is an UNESCO World Heritage Site. Not far from Genoa there are the Cinque Terre: the coastline, the five villages and the surrounding hillsides are another UNESCO World Heritage Site.
There are so many reasons to visit Genoa! I hope to see you all next September!
Warm regards
Alberto Martini
Scientific Programme Committee:
- Tadej Avcin (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
- Ronaldo Cimaz (Firenze, Italy)
- Ivan Foeldvari (Hamburg, Germany)
- Joost Frenkel (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
- Marco Gattorno (Genoa, Italy)
- Michael Hofer (Lausanne, Switzerland)
- Clara Malattia (Genoa, Italy)
- Seza Ozen (Ankara, turkey)
- Brent Prakken (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
- Pierre Quartier (Paris, France)
- Angelo Ravelli (Genoa, Italy)
- Joannes Roth (Muenster, Germany)
- Nicolino Ruperto (Genoa, Italy)
- Lucy Wedderburn (London, UK)
- Carin Wouters (Leuven, Belgium)
- Nico Wulffraat (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
Local Organising Committee:
- Maria Giannina Alpigiani
- Simona Angioloni
- Antonella Buoncompagni
- Roberta Caorsi
- Alessandro Consolaro
- Francesca Minoia
- Chiara Pallotti
- Paolo Pico
- PRINTO Staff
- Stefania Viola
- Associazone per le Malattie
- Reumatiche Infantili (AMRI)
- President: Alberto Martini (Genoa, Italy)